I have loved art and creating things since I had the means to do so, and will continue to create until my hands can no longer handle the task. It brings joy, calms the soul, and I enjoy seeing the joy it brings to my students.

I grew up in Emmaus, Pennsylvania taking classes at Baum School of Art in Allentown, PA and Barnstone Studios in Coplay, PA. Continuing my art journey, I went on to study fine art at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts in conjunction with the University of Pennsylvania.
I graduated with a BFA in 2000 and went on to study secondary art education for Waldorf schools at the Center for Anthroposophy in Wilton, NH. I have been teaching primary students at Montessori Country Day School in Gouglersville, PA for the past decade as well as independent art classes on my property.
It brings me great happiness to teach art to children and I am thrilled to finally offer an official course listing at Creative Corner at Cedarbrooke.
Welcome to Cedarbrooke
Cedarbrooke is the name given to the area near Nolde Forest in Cumru Township, Pennyslvania. Hanging above the front door at 700 Church Road is a painted, wooden sign which features a cedar tree above the name Cedarbrooke.
This sign was created by famed American Architect, Der Scutt, as a child. Der Scutt lived in the white farm house on Church Road when he was a child. He created the small Cedarbrooke sign which still hangs above the door today. When his family left the home, he left behind numerous architectural models and drawings in the attic.
We purchased 700 Church Road ten years ago and have enjoyed watching the property grow and change with the seasons.